Student Accessibility Services

Getting Started

Eligibility for Services

To qualify for services from the office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS), you must:

  • Be a registered student at St. Cloud State University
  • Have a disability recognized under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Provide documentation of your disability prior to receiving services from SAS.

Criteria for Documentation

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are guaranteed certain protections and rights to equal access to programs and services. In order to qualify for services, an individual must present documentation indicating that the disability substantially limits a major life activity.

Sufficient documentation varies depending on the nature of the disability, but should be recent. The approval of accommodations will be based on the documentation provided and a meeting with the Director. A postsecondary institution has the discretion to require additional documentation if the existing documentation is insufficient to determine the extent of the disability or the need for reasonable accommodations.

Reasonable accommodations are made on an individual basis and cannot fundamentally alter the basic nature or essential curricular components of the institution’s courses or programs.

To provide the comprehensive information needed, seven essential elements should be included in the documentation, as appropriate:  (Have the provider type up on letterhead)

  1. Credentials of the evaluator
  2. Diagnostic statement identifying the disability
  3. Description of the diagnostic methodology used
  4. Description of the current functional limitations
  5. Description of the expected progression or stability of the disability
  6. Description of current and past accommodations, services, and or medications
  7. Suggestions for accommodations, adaptive devices, assuasive services, compensatory strategies, and or collateral support services

Contact us if you have any questions:

Application Process

    • Step 1: Be an admitted student to St. Cloud State University.
    • Step 2: Ensure you have recent documentation of disability diagnosis. See above: Criteria for Documentation.
    • Step 3: Complete the application and upload documentation here: Student Accessibility Services Application.
    • Step 4: After SAS has received a completed application with documentation, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment to discuss your accommodation plan. 
    • Step 5: Complete a Semester Accommodation Request form each semester for accommodations. 
    • Step 6: Faculty notifications will be sent to each professor via email. Professors will implement accommodations. 

    For assistance completing this application, please visit Centennial Hall 202, e-mail or call 320.308.4080 to schedule an appointment.


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